+90 532 574 19 99

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The purpose of Root canal therapy  is  to clean the entire contaminated portion of a tooth in bad condition, which might potentially be lost due to decay, to ensure such tooth to serve longer and to prevent further treatment, which might...
Dolgu yaptıran hastalarda bazı durumlarda hassasiyet oluşabilmektedir. Bu hassasiyetleri şu şekilde sınıflandırabiliriz: Dolgudan sonra ağrı: Dolgu yapılırken hekiminiz öncelikle dişinizdeki çürük alanları temizlemektedir. Bu alan kimi zaman oldukça derine doğru gitmiş olabilir. Hatta bazı durumlarda dişin sinirlerine bile çok yaklaşmış...
No matter how much information and knowledge is available, many people still lose one or more teeth for various reasons. Besides gingival diseases as the main reason, decays and accidents are also among reasons causing tooth loss. People usually realize...
One of the most frequent questions we encounter with… One of the most difficult questions to reply without examining the tooth and its x-ray image.  But, I’d still provide you with some quite clear information: My tooth aches when I...